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Capture the

Moments that matter are happening everywhere, all the time. The world is hungry to see them, and Newsflare wants to reward you for sharing them.

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  • Capture the moment

    Buyers pay for videos that make you say “wow” or “aww”, and they’ve paid out £8m for them so far.

  • Seize the moment

    Are you sitting on a goldmine? One filmer recently made £7,000 in one month…

  • Reward the moment

    Access our 6 million viewers across YouTube, Facebook and Snapchat to unlock extra earnings.

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We reach buyers from every industry

The greatest on earth

Creator testimonials

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You know exactly which video has been licensed every time it is licensed and who licensed it. Payment is made by PayPal within 24 hours of the sale, so you don’t need to wait for quarterly statements like with other companies

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  • $11m

    paid to creators

  • 3000

    organisations registered

  • 5000

    buyers searching