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Indian farmer paints pet dog like tiger to scare away monkeys

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Fed up with the monkey menace, an Indian farmer has painted his dog as a tiger to stop the simians from destroying his crops.

Srikant Gowda of Nellur village in Tirthahalli taluk in Southern India earlier used to keep soft toys of wild animals to tackle the troublesome monkeys.
But the clever monkeys soon realised that they were just toys and stopped fearing them.

Inspired by another farmer who had painted similarly his dog to put fear in monkeys, Gowda decided to do the same.

So, he took hair colour and dyed his pet dog, ‘Bulbul’, to make it look like a tiger. He takes Bulbul to his farm twice a day and the trick is working.

Bulbul has to just put up an appearance to keep monkeys away.

“Monkeys run away thinking that the dog is a tiger," Gowda says.

The colour lasts for a month, after which he dyes Bulbul again.

Now other farmers in the village have also begun to paint their dogs like tigers to keep monkeys away.



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