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Driver with gun in car drags traffic officer on hood to escape ticket

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This is the shocking CCTV footage emerging from Indore, India showing how a traffic officer named Shiv Singh Chauhan was dragged on the hood of a car for several kilometers as the accused driver tried to run him over him while trying to flee.

Chauhan said: "I stopped the man, who was driving the said car. He was talking on his phone while driving, so I asked him to stop and pay the fine. But instead of stopping his car he jumped the red light. I came in front of his car to stop him but he didn't stop. I jumped on the hood of the car, and he dragged me nearly four kilometers before finally stopping the car."

During the inspection, a pistol and live cartridges were recovered from the vehicle.

The accused driver was identified as Keshav Upadhayay.

The incident took place on December 12.



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