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‘My body was so heavy I broke furniture, couldn't fit into plane seats, and was told men don’t date fat women like me' (Part 1)

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A woman so heavy that her weight “broke furniture” and who “couldn’t fit into plane seats” has shared her incredible transformation and the tragic moment that triggered her lifestyle change.

When Jessica Ferro witnessed her dad, who she says was obese, have a heart attack and struggled to give him CPR due to her also being overweight, she had a wake-up moment.

The now 34-year-old was heartbroken following his death but while in the midst of her grief, knew that something needed to change for good – or she may well suffer the same tragic fate.

At her heaviest, the marketing manager describes herself as “morbidly obese” – weighing in over 36 stone at 6ft tall, with high blood pressure, breathing problems, and constant back and joint pain.

She would consume upwards of 6,500 calories per day and “could finish a McDonald’s dinner box by myself and eat two large pizzas and be hungry again in an hour.”

“There were minor incidents that first triggered my weight loss journey,” Jessica, from Melbourne, Australia, told Jam Press.

“Like breaking furniture, being told I wasn't good enough because of my size, not being able to find clothes that fit, and being ridiculed on planes for not fitting in a seat.

“But nothing hit me as hard as the death of my dad.

“He passed away from a massive heart attack in front of me.

“I tried desperately to revive him when he’d fallen out of bed but trying to move 130 kilos of unconscious weight and then perform CPR was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do.

“I was so unfit; I was sweating and hyperventilating trying to pump my dad's chest to revive him as the emergency assistant was trying to calm me down and give me directions on the phone.

“That day changed me for good.

“My father didn't drink, he didn't smoke, didn't have any unhealthy habits except his love of food.

“He was obese and struggled to lose weight his whole life as well.

“I can't help but think that if my dad had made a more active effort to control his high blood pressure and weight, he would still be here today.”

“So I swore I would do everything I could to be the healthiest and best version of myself from that point onwards.'

Jessica describes “hating” her body at the time, while also coping with mental health struggles such as anxiety and depression.

Due to her very large size and issues with weight loss in the past, she is eligible for gastric bypass surgery, which she underwent on 13 July 2018 at Warringal Private Hospital in her hometown.

It was almost exactly a year to the day her dad died (14 July 2017).

She said: “I was so morbidly obese when I jumped on the scales back when I started my weight loss journey, they maxed out.

“I hated who I saw staring back at me in the mirror, how helpless I felt, and the restrictions on my life because of my weight.

“Men would tell me ‘You're not skinny enough’ or ‘Sorry, but I don't date fat chicks’.

“My lower back and knees would constantly be in a state of pain.

“I had gastric bypass surgery after having an open and honest conversation with a gastrointestinal surgeon.

“This is not taking the easy option out and anyone that has been overweight or obese knows the weight didn’t pile on for weeks and you’ve probably tried to lose the weight for years.”

Following the operation, Jessica was left with loose skin, which she got removed in another surgery.

She also committed herself to a fitness routine and diet overhaul.

Jessica said: “Looking back now, I know that my eating habits were so unhealthy.

“I remember I could eat a family-size McDonald's dinner box by myself.

“I could eat two large pizzas and be hungry in an hour.

“I used to have massive meals like huge bowls of pasta, and then in between consume bags of chips, a couple of king size chocolate bars, never drink water, just eat junk food nonstop.

“I used to hide food in my room or in my drawers at work or go through a drive-thru on my way home and have a meal before dinner.

“If I had to guess, I wouldn't be surprised if my calorie intake was 4500-6500+ calories a day.

“Now, I sit comfortably around 12.5 stone and it has taken me roughly five years to get to this point.

“I eat smaller meals, try to avoid processed foods, and try to keep my diet clean.

“And I’ve had to learn to cook in a way I’ve never done before.

“I was on and off with working out at first.

“Now, I am a lot more regimented and have programmed it into my daily life, and I competed at the World Beauty Fitness and Fashion last year.

“When I started my journey, never in a million years did I think I would compete in a body sculpting/bodybuilding competition.

“Do not for a second think you're too big to go to the gym or that people will stare/judge you.

“We have to start somewhere and I can assure you people will cheer you on when they see you coming regularly and putting the work in.”

In 2023, having lost roughly between roughly 21-23 stone, Jessica feels like a new woman.

And she’s even started doing bodybuilding, documenting her journey on Instagram (@bypassing.jessica).

She said: “I am proud of what I’ve achieved and I honestly do love inspiring others on their journey but I also feel regret I waited so long to start really living.

“It's only now that I realise how much my weight affected my energy, mood, confidence, and willingness to engage in activities or even go out with friends.

“I appreciate my life so much more now and I can't begin to explain the massive difference in energy I have compared to before.

“Every aspect of my life has changed.

“Emotionally I'm happier and believe I deserve that happiness.

“My father lost his life because of his poor health and I don't want to ever put my family through that.

“I know he's looking down, encouraging me and proud of what I've achieved.”


Breakfast: 6-8 pieces of white bread toasted with peanut butter, Nutella or butter, and Vegemite. 1-1.5 litres of fruit drink/juice.

Lunch: 2-3 large bowls of pasta, snacks

Dinner: Fast food e.g. McDonald’s (family box), pizza, KFC, etc.

Snacks: Crisps, chocolate family blocks, sweets


Breakfast: 50g of oats with protein or an English muffin with two eggs and 30-50g of avocado.

Lunch: Salad with protein or gluten-free pasta with homemade sauce.

Dinner: Protein like steak, fish or chicken with vegetables

Snacks: Protein shakes, fruit, protein yogurt, rice cakes




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