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Straw Lolz

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Ethan finds joy in the tiniest things and fills the room with joy. One of his favorite things is shooting the straw's paper sleeve off, sending him into laughter.

Ethan is 3 years old, special needs, deaf, with cochlear implants. He has taught us so much and is such an amazing blessing that continues to remind us to find happiness in the little things.

When born he contracted HIB, became septic, and was also treated for meningitis which is usually paired with HIB. He flat lined multiple times, one being nearly 10 minutes no oxygen to the brain, resulting in damage in areas of the brain. The doctors gave him a less than 15% chance of pulling through, and even more suspected him to be in a vegetative state after waking up weeks later from sedation. We all had hope, and he pulled through, and now 3 years later is strong, healthy, and is a burst of light where ever he goes. They remind us constantly, what a medical miracle he is, and that he should be walking, let a lone functioning at the level that he is from being through what he has.



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