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Thousands of gypsies and travellers stop off on the way to the Appleby Horse Fair

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Five days before the annual Appleby Horse Fair the Gypsies and travellers temporarily stop off on the large grass Verges by the village of Winton in Cumbria on their way to the Horse Fair at Appleby about 10 miles away.

They bring hundreds of their horses and tether them at the side of the road creating a hazard for motorist. So this year the the council have provided extra large flashing signs to warn Motorists to slow down and try to avoid any serious accidents which seems to happen every year. The police are constantly patrolling to try and stop any trouble caused for motorists passing through and the locals nearby.

Most of the Gypsies and travellers will move onto the horse fair site at Appleby the middle of next week for the 4 day annual event, which has been there tradition for hundreds of years.



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