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Lost deer rescued after running through a glass door in a house

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A lost barking deer was rescued after it was injured from smashing into a house’s glass door.

The animal wandered into a family’s backyard while searching for food when it was startled by the house owner in Chaiyaphum province, northeastern Thailand on August 30.

It tried to run away the resident out of fear but frantically crashed through the glass door before hiding inside the bathroom.

The shocked local Kampoon Suansamuer was worried as the injured animal refused to come out of the house so she called the rescue team for help.

Kampoon said: ‘I think the deer was also shocked when it saw me. I just hope it recovers and gets freed to the wild safely.’

Upon arrival, the rescue team found the female deer resting in the toilet with an injured face as blood droplets fell from its nose and mouth.

The volunteers lured the animal out and gave it first aid treatment before driving it to the national park office where it would be treated and rehabilitated before release.

Barking deer or rib-faced deer, also known as Muntjacs, are small deer species native to South and Southeast Asia.



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