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Stunning footage shows pod of around 40 dolphins swimming through transparent waters

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This stunning underwater footage shows a pod of around 40 dolphins swimming through transparent waters off the coast of Mull. Tour guide Martin Keivers, 60, used an underwater camera to film as he took a boat out on Thursday. The pod of between 30 to 40 common dolphins swam at Loch Na Kieal, Western Isles. Dad-of-two Martin said: "We filmed it from the boat, we do wildlife trips with an underwater camera. "We are based on the west coast of Mull. "It varies all the time but in this pod there were probably 30 to 40 dolphins. "We had lots of whales around the other day. "The west coast of Scotland is really unpolluted, we've been doing this for 14 years. "Myself and my son go out and my wife does the bookings."



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