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Close Encounter with Wild Grizzly Bear: brown bear chases after squirrel then disappears into bushes before emerging onto the trail and lining up to charge!

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This was probably one of the most exhilarating minutes of my life.

After swimming in Iceberg Lake, I walked about 30 feet down the trail and stumbled across two grizzly bears walking right towards me. After alerting the people back at the lake and further up the trail, I started filming and captured this footage of him hunting. When he came around the corner, it looked to me like he was starting to change so I threw my free arm out, yelled at him and stood my ground. Luckily for me he decided I wasn't worth his time and he continued on past me to rejoin his brother by the lake.
While attacks are very rare (and fatalities even rarer) and while most of the time they will do a bluff charge instead of actually striking you, there is nothing quite like having one start to line up and start to change you.



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