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Fearless man nearly gets bitten when he handfeeds huge bull shark

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Remarkable video of a US man feeding a massive bull shark with his bare hands.

The footage, captured on November 14 off the coast of Florida Keys, shows Captain Mike putting fish near the water while standing on an outboard in order to tease a bull shark swimming near his boat.

The huge shark surfaces and tries to take the bait but fails and then submerges.

Unsatisfied with the experience the man puts the bait back into the water.

All of a sudden the shark comes out.

''There you go! Got it!'' says the filmer.

This time the shark manages to take the whole fish, almost taking the Mike's hand off.

'It's a big one!'' says someone else in the background.

''We were cleaning fish that we caught that day and we had four very large bull sharks eating our scraps,'' the filmer later wrote online.

''So my (shipmate) Captain Mike Macko decided to handfeed one.''

''This one caught him by surprise when it came up from under the boat and took the fish.''

''Handfeeding and watching man-eating sharks eat so close to you is always an amazing experience.'' he added.



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