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Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs stop a shoot killing pheasants, partridges and pigeons near Brightholmlee Road, Wharncliffe Side

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The video was filmed on Saturday 30th October in the village of
Wharncliffe Side, South Yorkshire.

Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs are a group who take nonviolent direct action
against bloodsport and wildlife persecution.

This shoot was trying to shoot partridge, pheasants and pigeons. We
approached the shoot to expose the cruelty of their bloodsport and they
started squaring up to us, trying to start fights. These are people who
are are very used to violence, they are killing all the time, so its no
surprise that they were also prepared to use violence against us.

They claimed that shooting is an industry and seemed to think that
justified their activities. We're well aware of the shooting industry.
Many game birds are reared in horrible, battery farm, conditions
throughout Europe before being imported into Britain (see link below).
The birds are then released into our countryside and blasted out of the
sky by people looking to get a thrill out of taking a life. Its sick, no
decent human being could be involved in such a cruel sport.



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