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Nobel laureate encourages more Chinese to "go to Africa"

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STORY: Nobel laureate encourages more Chinese to "go to Africa"
DATELINE: Aug. 20, 2023
LENGTH: 00:01:55

1. various of Mo Yan visiting Kenya
2. SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): MO YAN, Chinese Nobel Prize winner in literature
3. various of views in Africa
4. SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): MO YAN, Chinese Nobel Prize winner in literature


Mo Yan, a Nobel Prize winner in literature, speaks highly of his first visit to Kenya and calls on more Chinese to "go to Africa" to get a better understanding of the continent and contribute to bilateral friendship and cooperation.

SOUNDBITE 1 (Chinese): MO YAN, Chinese Nobel Prize winner in literature
"There's a movie called Out of Africa. I think we should go to Africa. Those engaged in culture should go to Africa, experience a culture completely different from the Chinese one and find out our own features through comparison. Those engaged in economy should also come here. There is an infinite expanse here for people from all walks of life. Tourists definitely should come to go sight-seeing. Come to Kenya to see the Rift Valley of East Africa, to see the vast savanna, and to see the achievements of our Chinese construction team on the African continent."

Mo Yan arrived in Kenya on July 28 and visited some famous tourist attractions and major infrastructure projects constructed by Chinese companies.

The Nobel laureate said that China and Kenya, separated by thousands of miles, with completely different cultures, can still maintain an unbreakable bond. The connectivity between the two countries lies not only in infrastructure but also in people-to-people exchanges.

He said that after returning to China, he will continue publishing stories on what he saw and heard during his trip to Kenya so that more Chinese readers can understand Kenya, Africa, and China-Africa cooperation.

SOUNDBITE 2 (Chinese): MO YAN, Chinese Nobel Prize winner in literature
"It's just the beginning of my experience of Africa. Africa is a fascinating land with great prospects, bright prospects and boundless hopes."

Renowned for his imaginative and humanistic fiction, Mo Yan was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature. He is the first Chinese national to win the Nobel literature award.

Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Nairobi.



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