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Leopard enters community centre in northern India, rescued

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A leopard entered the Suhalka Community Centre in northern India's Rajasthan.

This community centre is located in sector 14 of Udaipur and this happened on April 3.

Visuals showed police officers and officials of the forest department using a big net and wooden plank to cover the opening of the building where the leopard had strayed into. The wild animal was seen trapped inside with a huge group of people having gathered in the area. The leopard was seen lying down beside a scooter. Later on, rescue officials were seen grabbing hold of the leopard's legs and taking it away. The wild animal was sedated and made unconscious so it could be captured and rescued. The leopard was put into a vehicle before being taken away from the area. As per a report, the information about the leopard was sent to the forest department by a journalist at 7:30 am IST (Indian Standard Time) and by 9:45 am, the animal was captured.

The animal was tranquilised by forest department officials Jitendra Singh and DP Sharma. The other forest officials who were involved in this rescue operation were DFO Mukesh Saini, ACF Shubham Kumar and Range Officer Vijendra Singh Sisodia.



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