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This wildlife rehabilitation center gives rhinos a new lease of life in northeast India

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The Center for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation in Kaziranga in Assam, India gives a new lease of life to baby rhinos.

Footage from September 5 shows the rhinos being fed on-site, after being rescued when a flash flood in Brahmaputra River made it difficult for the baby rhinos to find food and survive.

According to local sources, some of the rhinos fled towards the highway to escape the inundated area and were crushed under a speeding vehicle.

The flood – Kaziranga National Park's worst since 1998 – has created a group of orphans. Their mothers are suspected dead, or the baby rhinos were unable to keep pace with their mothers as they attempted to escape.

Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation is spread over a 17-acre plot of land and was founded in 2002 as a joint-venture between the Assam Forest Department, the International Fund for Animal Welfare, and the Wildlife Trust of India.

Situated in the floodplain of the River Brahmaputra, the park is regularly inundated during the monsoons. Its main purpose is to rescue and rehabilitate flood-displaced wild animals from Kaziranga until they are ready to go back into the wild.



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