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Trade in Sumatran tiger skin and organs in Riau

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Riau Regional Police again revealed the tiger organ trafficking network, three perpetrators who carried and stored body parts of the Sumatran Tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrea) that had died. The Sumatran Tiger organs include 1 (one) skin, 4 (four) fangs, and 1 (one) sack containing the bones of the King of the Forest stored in plastic and sacks. The arrest was made on Saturday, February 15, 2020, at around 11:00 West Indonesian Time, on Jalan Arjuna Hamlet IV RT / RW 002/091 Candi Rejo Village, Pasir Penyu District, Indragiri Hulu Regency (Inhu), Riau.
"The team received information on the sale and purchase of Sumatran Tiger body parts last Friday, February 14, 2020. The three suspects brought Sumatran Tiger body parts from the Muara Tebo area, Jambi using a Toyota Avanza n 1606 ABK car," said Riau Police Chief Inspector General Agung Setya Imam Effendi , SH, SIK, M.Sc through the Riau Police Regional Head of Public Relations, Senior Commissioner Sunarto, Saturday, February 15, 2020.
Head of Public Relations explained, the three perpetrators claimed to be delivering tiger parts to someone in the Air Molek area, Inhu. The three suspects, MN Bin KR (45), residents of Balai Rajo Village, Tujuh Ilir District, Tebo, Jambi, RT (57), residents of Jorong Koto Baru, Sisawah Village, Sumpur Kudus, Sijunjung, West Sumatra and AT (43) Seresam Village , Siberida, Inhu, Riau. The three perpetrators were couriers who were in charge of delivering tiger skins and bones from Tebo Jambi by the executor. AT (DPO) with a wage of Rp. 2 million. Furthermore, it will be handed over to someone. HN (DPO) in Air Molek, Kab. Indragiri Hulu. "We secure the three suspects and bring them with evidence to the Riau Regional Police Headquarters, Pekanbaru for further investigation," concluded Sunarto.
The rise of the practice of illegal trade in Sumatran tiger skin and organs due to the high motive price of tiger organs on the black market. A piece of tiger skin can be sold for around Rp. 30 million - Rp. 80 million, tiger fangs Rp. 500 thousand - Rp. 1 million per piece, and tiger bones sell for Rp. 2 million per kilo on the black market.
The high price was allegedly a reason for smugglers to be determined to commit their crimes. Indonesia, as part of the international world, will stop the crime of smuggling these animals, given that they are already in the endangered category. "This is a form of organized crime with an interrupted system. Each of them has their respective duties and roles. The Riau Regional Police will continue to fight and reveal this illegal trade," he said.



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