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Zoo Visitors Can Name Baby Pygmy Hippo In Thailand (better quality, extended)

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Visitors to a zoo are being offered the chance to name an adorable baby pygmy hippo which is still nameless.

The newborn baby hippo was delivered by his 20-year-old mother, Jona, at their enclosure Khao Kheow zoo in Chonburi, Thailand, at the end of October.

Footage taken last Wednesday (27/11) shows the baby hippo waddling around his pool with his mother.

Zookeepers have come up with two potential names based on popular food dishes - "Moo Tun", which translates as braised pork, or "Kaki" which means pork feet.

Visitors now have until December 20 to vote for the name with the winning title being announced on Decemer 28.

The zoo director Attaporn Sriherun said that the contest was held to allow the zoo visitors to participate and follow the hippo's life.

She said: "The baby was healthy and I think it was a good opportunity for the zoo to welcome the baby by having a naming contest that visitors can be a part of."

Attaporn said the mother and son would stay together for around a year before they can separate.

"When the baby is getting big, we will rearrange them in separate enclosures,'' the Zookeeper added.

The baby marked the sixth pygmy hippo born to Jona and her 21-year-old mate Toni.

He has been staying close to his mother since the day he was born. He is also the sixth born in the zoo.

The pygmy hippopotamus is native to forests and swamps of West Africa, with adults growing to just half the size of the common hippopotamus.



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