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Meet the world’s smallest Reindeer from Svalbard in the Norwegian High Arctic

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The Svalbard Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) is a dwarf race of reindeer found on the Svalbard Archipelago in the Norwegian Arctic. Males have a maximum weight of about 90 kg (198 pounds) and the smaller females 70 kg (154pounds). Reindeer found elsewhere are much larger, with males weighing up to about 183 kg (400 pounds) and females 120 kg (264 pounds). The small body mass of Svalbard Reindeer is probably an adaptation to the scarcity of food because edible plants are scarce and small, even at the height of the short Arctic summer. Svalbard Reindeer have shorter legs and more rounded heads than other races of Reindeer. They are threatened by global warming and have been known to starve to death when winter rains form thick layers of ice on the tundra plants, making grazing impossible. These male Svalbard Reindeer were chewing their cud in the shelter of a small mound in the tundra.



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