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Facts show human rights in China's Xinjiang and Xizang well-protected: Kenyan expert

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STORY: Facts show human rights in China's Xinjiang and Xizang well-protected: Kenyan expert
SHOOTING TIME: Jan. 25, 2024
DATELINE: Jan. 26, 2024
LENGTH: 00:01:23

1. various of Xizang
2. SOUNDBITE (English): DENNIS MUNENE MWANIKI, Executive Director, China-Africa Center, Kenya
3. various of Xinjiang


A Kenyan expert has said that Western media reports on Xinjiang and Xizang are merely post-truth narratives and facts show that human rights in Xinjiang and Xizang are well-protected.

SOUNDBITE (English): DENNIS MUNENE MWANIKI, Executive Director, China-Africa Center, Kenya
"(China's) Xinjiang and Xizang have become one of the theaters of the "post-truth" narrative. It's part of the region where a lot of propaganda is being used by the West. Yet again we've seen people going to Xinjiang, we've seen diplomats going (there), journalists (going there), yet the narratives that they come out are totally different and so for me in terms of what I've read, what I've researched, is that development is happening in Xinjiang, contrary to what we've been told by the Western media. People are happy. People are enjoying their lives.
Human rights are the key for basic life, number one, the aspect of education, the aspect of just right to life, the aspect to good health. These are fundamental rights and that's what China is pushing.
The facts are there. The GDP has grown. Life expectancy has grown. The aspect of just the life expectancy growing, it shows already the value of humanity, the value of life. And the aspect of GDP growth, that means that development is happening in that area."

Xinhua News Agency correspondents reporting from Nairobi.



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