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Market vendors save stray kitten trapped in car bumper

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Market vendors saved a stray kitten trapped in a car bumper in Thailand.

The locals heard the orange moggie crying and discovered it stuck behind the bumper grilles of a black Suzuki sedan at the Suwaphan Mueang Thong Agricultural Market in Ang Thong province on April 16.

They lifted the bonnet and pulled out the feline, which was weakened from the intense summer heat.

The car owner said the feline may have crawled into his vehicle while it was parked in their neighbourhood.

He said: 'Our area has a lot of stray cats. This kitten might be one of them. I have decided to take care of it and will be bringing it back home.'

The ginger kitten was named Nam Chok, which has the word 'luck' in Thai.



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