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Single hyena hopelessly fails to keep vultures away from kill

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During a safari in the Kruger National Park in South Africa, we came across a single hyena busy feeding on the left overs of a giraffe carcass. This hyena was not alone and was surrounded by a mass of vultures. Both the hyena and the vultures were competing for the same carcass. This seemed to be extremely frustrating for the lone hyena. He was totally outnumbered by the vultures. He relentlessly chased the vultures away from his meal only for them to keep coming back in stronger numbers. The hyena would eat and then suddenly chase the vultures, return to eat and then suddenly chase them again. This went on for over an hour and looked like a movie stuck in replay mode. It was a great experience to witness how relentless and determined these hunger driven animals were during their interaction. When lions do finally leave their meal after a few days, the carcass becomes wide open for the takings predominantly by vultures and hyenas. They compete for the exact same food. These two very different species of animals ironically play the exact same very important role in the eco system of the African wild. They clean up absolutely everything and act as the ‘hoovers’ of the bush. Without these scavengers the bush will be littered with rotten carcasses and the spread of disease will be inevitable



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